Mike Netter of RecallGavin2020.com – Ep113

Evan talks with Mike Netter, one of the lead organizers of RecallGavin2020.com and one of his newest Facebook friends. Who is the primary driving force behind this recall? What does Gavin Newsom have in common with Gray Davis, who was recalled in 2003 (and led to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger)? How does a recall work? Is the governor also socially awkward? Mike breaks it down and explains how easy it is for you to help!

Recall Gavin Newsom information:
Website – recallgavin2020.com
Petition link – recallgavin2020.com/petition
DONATE LINK – https://www.efundraisingconnections.com/c/RecallNewsom

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Website: awkwardwithevan.com

And in honor of Mike’s appearance, get a Recall Gavin Newsom shirt on Amazon.
