Princess Serrano – Ep104

Princess Serrano met Evan one time back in 2012 and that was good enough to be Facebook friends. In their first conversation ever, Princess and Evan break down her experiences at a predominantly white college in West Virginia, George Floyd, the protests, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19 and being black in America. A rare, in-depth discussion on race makes this episode a little less awkward than usual.

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In honor of Princess’s appearance, get the complete series of The Boondocks on Amazon


Amin Jai – Ep094

Amin Jai was hired by Evan back in New York about 15 years ago and now in their longest conversation ever Amin came to Evan’s house late one night to sit in his kitchen to catch up! Hear why Amin left New York for Los Angeles, what it was like being interviewed for a job by Evan and plus a whole lot of politics. Did we mention Amin is a proud black, pro-Trump Republican? Of course that means Amin has been shadow-banned on social media. Amin also gets into being judged as a black man. Pulling no punches on this one! (Sorry, Biden wrote that last line. Awkward.)

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘ for the holidays? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Amin’s appearance and his beloved Seattle Seahawks, get a Seahawks fleece blanket on Amazon.
