Kevin O’Neill – Ep156

Kevin O’Neill and Evan never met. But that didn’t keep them from becoming Facebook friends. Hear how they’re connected, the depths of Kevin’s nerd culture and what are the best phone games out there? Plus, how many ways can Kevin operate on a bunny? (He’s a veterinarian.) So Evan also gets Kevin’s advice on his cats’ occasional vomiting. In addition, Kevin shares his ‘spam whispering’ attempts with Evan and Kevin reveals some data he uncovered about those people on the other end of those spam texts! Too much awkward to go around!

😎 Just in time for Halloween: Get this children’s veterinarian costume on Amazon!

👕👍 Socially Awkward Swag:
$5 OFF w/ promo code AWKWARD

or visit for more promotions!

More on Evan:

Want to get your own viral video content using AI? Sign up for Opus Clip using Evan’s affiliate link:

Also, Evan is a WWE Shop affiliate, so check out all the latest sales at:

Podcast links:



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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


‘Deaf Artist’ Kelly O’Brien – Ep155

Kelly O’Brien is a standout artist, photographer, painter and graphic designer who also happens to be deaf. In a Socially Awkward first, hear how she navigates her life with this difference, what her purpose is as an artist, and who her favorite band is! Plus, how good of a lip-reader is she and what questions does she have for Evan. No ASL, but plenty of awkward!

For more on Kelly, visit or follow @kellythedeafartist on Instagram!

Watch the full interview!

😎 Get a Daily Adventure Map on Amazon (by a different Kelly O’Brien)!

👕👍 Socially Awkward Swag:
$5 OFF w/ promo code AWKWARD

or visit for more promotions!

More on Evan:

Also, Evan is a WWE Shop affiliate, so check out all the latest sales at:

#kellyobrien #depechemode #deafartist #deaf #asl #artist #deafcommunity #deaftalent #deafculture #art #deafart #deafworld #deafawareness #signlanguage #deafeducation #deafphotographer #deafpeople #deafnation #deafness #deafartists #bluetooth

Podcast links:



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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Actress Amanda Reed – Ep154

Amanda Reed got the acting bug at age 14 when her mom enrolled her in community theater. She never looked back. By 23, Amanda had performed in over 450 live performances. She has already worked with such names as Neil Patrick Harris, Greg Kinnear, Sam Raimi, Emmy Rossum, Simon Baker and Dermut Mulroney. Hear her standout audition and on-set experiences as well as how she also teaches acting at The Acting Center in Los Angeles.

Follow Amanda at @amandareedofficial.

Support another Amanda Reed by getting the book Living Out Loud’son Amazon! Or get Evan’s new book where he talks to spammers: THE SPAM WHISPERER.

Also, Evan is now a WWE Shop affiliate so check out all their site wide deals at:

Need some Awkward Wear? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Ultimate Health w/ Craig Brockie – Ep153

When Craig Brockie was in his twenties he had crippling anxiety, a depleted immune system and chronic neck and back pain. On a fact-finding mission, Craig sought out health solutions for himself and found a huge reservoir of answers that has manifested in his new book “Ultimate Health: Break Free from Your Health Issues and Live Your Best Life. Craig reveals how to effortlessly lose weight, look younger and lessen stress. What are some remedies? He goes into oxygen, peptides, hormones and so much more! Meanwhile, Evan delves into how masculine a name like “Craig Brockie” is, plus he poaches Craig for his financial predictions.

Get Craig Brockie’s Ultimate Health: Break Free from Your Health Issues and Live Your Best Life on Amazon… and Evan’s new book “The Spam Whisperer.

Also, Evan is now a WWE Shop affiliate so check out all their site wide deals at:

Need some Awkward Wear? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
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#healthwellness #health #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #wellness #healthandwellness #love #selfcare #fitness #wellbeing #immunesystem #healthiswealth #anxiety #weightloss #mindfulness #healthkick #fit #holistic #sleep #wellnessjourney #healthyaging #healthy #flu #healthychoices #instadaily #healthishappiness #entrepreneur #sorethroat #healthfood #viruses

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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Bon Jovi Doc Recap w/ Jennifer Farrell – Ep152

Bon Jovi’s new documentary “Thank You, Goodnight” just debuted on Hulu in the #1 spot and fellow Bon Jovi fan Jennifer Farrell is joining Evan to break it all down. Of course, they also reminisced about their fan club memories and the time they crossed paths with Jon Bon Jovi. Hear about the time Evan ran on a treadmill next to Jon and then the time Jennifer kissed him during a show! Plenty of awkward to go around and a surprise guest at the end!

Celebrate Bon Jovi’s 40th anniversary with their coffee table book “When We Were Beautiful” on Amazon.

Actually, scratch that, get Evan’s new book “The Spam Whisperer on Amazon.

Also, Evan is now a WWE Shop affiliate so check out all their site wide deals at:

Need some Awkward Wear? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
Full Archive:

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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.

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Journalist Katy Grimes – Ep151

Katy Grimes is the editor-in-chief of the California Globe and she always has a lot to write about. Focused on politics, Katy and Evan break down the woes of California while talking through prop 47 (addressing retail theft), homelessness, abortion, and more. Plus, what does the future hold for Governor Gavin Newsom? And what about Adam Schiff vs Steve Garvey this November? They even discuss the campaign of Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Katy also gets into the mechanics of journalism and how she acquires (and loses) sources. Finally, Katy and Evan watch along to Evan’s new song, “Radical Left Republican Dad.” There’s the awkward.

ON AMAZON: Is Katy Grimes really Holly Flax from The Office? Either way, this mug is for you:   

Follow Katy on X (fka Twitter)

Also, Evan is now a WWE Shop affiliate so check out all their site wide deals at:

Need some Awkward Wear? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
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#politics #california #carolburnett #theoffice #hollyflax #katygrimes #caleg #abortion #homelessness #democrat #republican #stevegarvey #gavinnewsom #prop47 #rfkjr #georgesantos #journalism #newyork #vermont #sources #confidential #biden #trump #californiapolitics #cagop #cadem #amyryan #2024 #elections

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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Derrick T. Lewis & Wrestlemania 40 Predictions – Ep150

Derrick T Lewis does it all: actor, host, ring announcer, media personality, singer and big wrestling fan! Hear about all his successes from how he started ring announcing to his current deal with The Bleav Network. Also, last year Derrick was part of Wheel of Fortune’s WWE Week. He has also been to a ton of WWE shows including landing last minute seats to Wrestlemania 20. Then he and Evan break down Wrestlemania 40 which features Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns & The Rock on night 1 followed by Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns on night 2. It’s the 150th episode of Socially Awkward.

Stroke the earring and check out Derrick’s merch at: On social media, find Derrick at @TheRealDTLew on X, IG and Tiktok!

Also, Evan is now a WWE Shop affiliate so check out all their site wide deals at:

Need some Awkward Wear? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
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#wrestlemania #wwe #smackdown #wrestling #raw #wweraw #nxt #romanreigns #sethrollins #wwenetwork #johncena #prowrestling #wwf #beckylynch #undertaker #wweuniverse #randyorton #therock #wwenxt #ajstyles #tripleh #laknight #wwesmackdown #rhearipley #codyrhodes #drewmcintyre #wheeloffortune

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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Movie Producer Nick Smith – Ep149

Let’s not sugarcoat it: Nick Smith is a movie producer in Hollywood! As VP of Production for Paperclip Limited, his latest project is a feature length nostalgic young adult comedy SNACK SHACK. Think Superbad meets Fast Times at Ridgemont High! Hear its origin story and how the distribution quickly came together.  Also, what got him into film? What’s it like being a movie producer? And what’s it like working with Yeardley Smith (the voice of Lisa Simpson)? All that and even some Theta Chi chat. Mildly awkward, but mostly entertaining!

In honor of Nick’s appearance, get some Cosmo’s Snack Shack pork meat sticks (for dogs) on Amazon:


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Bon Jovi’s 40th Anniversary w/ Jessica Petraccione – Ep148

Evan returns from his unintentional hiatus to interview another fellow Facebook friend. This time it’s Jessica Petraccione and we’re celebrating the 40th anniversary of Bon Jovi. Evan and Jessica discuss favorite Jovi memories and then go rapid fire through every Bon Jovi album. What were their favorite tracks on each album? Which tracks were underappreciated? All that and more with a great awkward Jovi-based conversation!

😎 Get Bon Jovi’s remastered first album on Amazon with previously unreleased demos and live tracks!


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
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Podcast Subscribe links:


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FYI: Any Amazon links are affiliate links that support the podcast.


Shannon Kroner – Ep147

Dr. Shannon Kroner has been working with special needs families since 2001. She is also the Executive Director of Freedom Of Religion – United Solutions (FOR-US), building an interfaith coalition of religious leaders who have united to protect the religious freedom of vaccine choice, helping thousands of Americans obtain religious vaccine exemptions for work and school. Most recently she is the author of the children’s book I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK! published by Skyhorse Publishing and ICAN Press. In this interview hear her origin story, how Covid galvanized the vaccine choice movement and how celebrities have been blown away by her efforts. This conversation will be more candid than awkward.

In honor of Shannon’s appearance, order her new children’s book on Amazon or order autographed copies at

Note: Due to the open discourse of the interview, a full video can be found on Socially Awkward’s Rumble channel:


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan
Full Archive:

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Sarah Nicole Nadler (Money Coach for Entrepreneurs) – Ep146

Sarah Nicole Nadler is a money coach for entrepreneurs as a licensed financial advisor, author and philanthropist. So as Socially Awkward’s first entrepreneur-based Facebook friend, Evan gets Sarah to break down how to approach money. Where does she put her extra money? How do millionaires still end up short on cash?

Later, Sarah talks about her fantasy writing as well as how to write an effective instructional, non-fiction book.

So it’s active income, passive income, lots of income and literary advice on the episode with lots of awkward.

In honor of Sarah’s appearance, order her book Space Patrol on Amazon


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan

Podcast Subscribe links:


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Nicola Cheung and the Paranormal – Ep145

Nicola Cheung met Evan initially when he performed at Landmark College in Vermont back in 2012. Since then Nicola went back to China through the pandemic, but recently returned to the United States living in Connecticut. What made her come back? How is she getting around without knowing how to drive?

Then later, Evan delves deep into Nicola’s unique ability to communicate with spirits as well as predict the future. When did she realize she had these powers? How has it affected her emotionally? Hear amazing anecdotes as we go all-in on the paranormal! With a side of awkward.

In honor of Nicola’s appearance, order a Grogu from The Mandalorian on Amazon


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan

Podcast Subscribe links:


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WWE Wheel of Fortune Champion Grant Salzano – Ep 144

It’s been roughly a month since Wheel of Fortune’s WWE Week and Evan is talking to the champion contestant Grant Salzano. Grant won over $50,000 in cash and WWE-themed prizes over two shows in addition to the grand prize of tickets to Wrestlemania, Smackdown, the Hall of Fame and a Front-Row VIP experience for Monday Night Raw. Evan and Grant relive the key moments in his Wheel journey and how everything fell into place. Plus, he talks about being paired with Natalya Neidhart and how he designed a premium, customized title belt from the experience. All that and some pilot talk as Grant is making the most of his new license to fly. And as always, this episode has a license to be awkward.

Check out Grant Salzano on Twitter at

In honor of Grant’s run on Wheel of Fortune, order a WWE Title belt on Amazon


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. $5 off w/ promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan
Tiktok: @awkwardwithevan

Podcast Subscribe links:


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Wheelmania: Tracina Jones & Ben Clark – Ep143

It’s Wheel of Fortune’s WWE Week and Evan has Wheel contestants on to recap and preview their appearances. Tracina Jones from Tampa partnered with Drew McIntyre. What did they talk about? How has her week been since going viral due to her incorrect ball-centric guess. Tracina is joining by Ben Clark who is about to partner with Big E. How did they manage to hit it off so well? And what event will Tracina and Ben even up attending next year? All that plus Tracina and Ben offer their full Wrestlemania predictions, and how Evan ended up as an alternate for WWE week. #playingwithballs

Check out Ben Clark’s art at

In honor of Tracina’s viral moment on Wheel of Fortune, order a variety of balls off Amazon (pump included). 


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Support the podcast for as little as $1/month:


Palmer Davis – Ep142

Palmer Davis dances hard, kicks high and can pull off a one-woman show. She also recently defeated breast cancer and was sharing her journey over social media. Hear how she emerged victorious and what she creatively has in store for the world.

For more on Palmer, learn about The Palmer Dance Experience at

In honor of Palmer’s appearance, get the DVD Suburban Commando on Amazon!


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Support the podcast for as little as $1/month:


Matt Duron – Ep141

In their first ever conversation, Evan interviews Matt Duron, someone he hoped would get him a gig at his college (Thiel) back in 2007. Unfortunately, 15 years later, Evan has still not played Thiel but he is still friends with Matt. Hear about Matt’s writing exploits, potential books in the works and his reaction to the pilot of the new Quantum Leap.

For more on Matt, follow him on Tiktok, IG, and Twitter under Way2ManyVoices.

In honor of Matt’s appearance, get some Duran Duran on Amazon!


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s Socially Awkward apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Support the podcast for as little as $1/month:


Chris Daniel – Ep140

Chris Daniel is running for Harris County District Clerk in Texas. Actually, re-running. Hear what his first stint was like, what a district clerk actually does and how people have been telling him how much they miss his district clerk-ness. And did you know more people have voted for Chris than for the governor of Utah? It’s more midterm magic with a touch of awkward, plus a shoutout to Reckless Tortuga.

For more info on Chris Daniel, go to

In honor of Chris’s appearance, order a copy of TNA Wrestling’s The Best of Christopher Daniels DVD on Amazon


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Support the podcast for as little as $1/month:


Kristina Irwin – Ep139

Kristina Irwin is running for State Senator in California’s District 24, a premiere zone that includes such communities at Santa Monica, Malibu, West Hollywood and many others. After setting an LA County record with over 6,200 write-in votes in the primary, this a mother of three, immigrant, small business owner and child advocate is out to upset incumbent Ben Allen in the general election. Can she do it? What’s her strategy? And what are the most important issues facing Californians in 2022? Kristina, a constitutional conservative, breaks it down… before revealing what show she can’t wait to return. Snuck in a little awkward!

Check out her campaign events at:

In honor of Kristina’s appearance, order a copy of this random book Kristina, The Girl King: Sweden 1638 on Amazon


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Support the podcast for as little as $1/month:


Ernie Elwood – Ep138

Ernie Elwood (aka Elijah Beers) and Evan first met when Evan performed for Theta Chi Fraternity at Central Missouri State several years ago. But now it is Ernie who has taken the stage as an independent wrestler. What is his gimmick? Why the name Ernie Elwood? Where does he see himself ending up professionally? We hear about all that plus his big match against Harley Race’s son on October 1 in St Joseph, MO!

In honor of Ernie’s appearance, get this “Someone Loves Your From Missouri” Candle on Amazon


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan


Ryan Kugler – Ep137

Ryan Kugler is a jack-of-all-trades, and perhaps even the director of Creed and the new Space Jam. (Oh that’s Ryan Coogler.) But really, hear about how this Ryan became a pro in VHS distribution but then reinvented himself in the liquidation business. He also has a side hustle where he puts on a variety of races. Plus, his family was recently out of town, which gave him the opportunity to check items off his Los Angeles bucket list. What was on the list? Where did he enjoy posing as a tourist the most? Ryan gets into all that right before he asks Evan about Vince McMahon. Always room for awkward.

In honor of Ryan’s appearance, get this poster of Director/Producer Ryan Coogler on Amazon! Never mix them up again! 


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan


DOUBLE EPISODE: Actress Elisabeth Donaldson, National Libertarian Chair Angela McArdle – Ep136

Evan returns with a double episode! First, Actress Elisabeth Donaldson talks about being a full-time artist in Nashville, Tennessee and how it’s different from being an actress in LA. (3:50) Plus the story of how she got Evan and his wife into SAG at the same time, going Fi-Core, navigating the pandemic and whether she’s interacted with other Elisabeth Donaldsons. They also go into all of Elisabeth’s creative talents and then scan some obituaries of recently departed Elisabeth Donaldson.

Then it’s a returning (and pregnant) Angela McArdle who is now the National Chair of the Libertarian Party. How did she level up so fast and get over 2/3 of the votes to be the national spokesperson for a political party? We recap her campaigning, how she got Los Angeles to stand down with its v—ine mandate, her thoughts on the Libertarian presidential candidates in 2020 and what 2024 may hold. Evan also gets her party’s new stance on abortion, thoughts on Donald Trump, and how being in a third party still gets her opinions assigned to being left or right. 

In honor of Elisabeth’s appearance, buy this French book on Amazon written by Donaldson Elisabeth! 

In honor of Angela’s return, buy her Communist Cookbook on Amazon! Yum!


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan


Talking Bon Jovi with Lori Broslovsky – Ep135

Lori Broslovsky is a Jersey girl who stops by to talk about her favorite band: Bon Jovi. Lori and Evan do a deep dive into everything Bon Jovi! They recap the reaction to their latest tour, lament the continued absence of Richie Sambora, and give their favorite non-mainstream Bon Jovi songs. Plus, they share their experiences meeting the band and how every time that’s happened to Evan, he’s made an awkward idiot of himself. And has Lori seen her final Bon Jovi show? All that and more.

In honor of Lori’s appearance, buy the Bon Jovi coffee table song When We Were Beautiful on Amazon!


Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan


Actor Jim Meskimen – Ep134

Jim Meskimen is a talented mix of acting, voiceovers, impressions and general artistry. He is also approaching 300 credits on IMDB thanks to appearances on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Gas Lit, Apollo 13 and such commercials as Geico and KFC! Jim is now sharing his wealth of knowledge with a new online course called The Working Actor Method ( Besides laying out the course, Jim and Evan talk about his past credits, his mother Marion Ross from Happy Days and his favorite impressions. Then Evan tries to extract an impression of wrestling commentator Jim Ross just to see if Jim (Ross) Meskimen can impersonate Jim Ross. While enlightening, also enjoy Evan’s awkward technical difficulties!

In honor of Jim’s appearance, rent Apollo 13 on Amazon!

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan


Tiffany Meldal-Johnsen – Ep133

Tiffany Meldal-Johnsen, recently relocated to Vashon Island in Washington State, joins Evan to discuss everything TV and movies from past to present. Tiffany and Evan rattle through The Gary Shandling Show, Golden Girls, Seinfeld, Friends, Ted Lasso, Curb Your Enthusiasm and so much more. Which shows were Tiffany’s favorites? Which were she never a fan of? Then they move on to their love of bad movies and the movie Evan watched for the first time while his wife was in labor. Finally, Evan launches Tiffany into a career full of voiceover work and authoring books about her love of TV. This is awkward done right!

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Tiffany’s appearance, get a copy of It’s Gary Shandling’s Book on Amazon!

Find out more about her brother’s band St Vincent.


US Senate Candidate Mark Meuser – Ep 132

Mark Meuser is a constitutional law attorney and native Californian who is running for US Senate in 2022. How is the campaign trail? Why did he chose the US Senate race? What are his thoughts on election integrity? All this and even some fitness talk. And don’t worry, Evan was still awkward.

Jump to your preferred topic:
(times are approximate)
3:25 Mark’s take on the recall election.
9:30 Previewing Newsom’s 2022 election day
12:10 Why Mark is running for US Senate

17:00 The state of election integrity and what needs to be changed
22:20 Addressing the idea of voter suppression and the use of emergency powers
29:30 The state of CA’s bad bills and the progressive agenda
37:07 Thoughts on potentially running against Senator Alex Padilla in November
44:09 Mark’s message to people of color and the lgbt community
47:23 Mark’s Ironman experience
52:54 Mark’s workout suggestions and why he runs 5K daily

58:00 Does he have favorite sports teams?
1:01:40 Mark’s book recommendations

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Check out the Evan’s new Funny Forever Tees apparel including some Socially Awkward selections. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Mark’s appearance, get a copy of The Federalist Papers on Amazon!

Find out more about Mark at and


Eric James Madden – Ep131

Eric James Madden is a fellow Theta Chi who went to and advises the chapter at Ball State University… while also working full-time for a DIFFERENT fraternity! Is he a mole? A double-agent? One thing he definitely is is a graphic design and media wizard. Hear about those endeavors plus issues facing fraternities and sororities today. Plus, Evan recalls the time his show at Theta Chi’s Ball State chapter led to the downfall of their rival. It had some awkward moments.

Note: Since the interview, Eric no longer works for the other fraternity.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Check out Eric’s media company at Plus his profiles on Tiktok and Snapchat (@emadd2015).

And in honor of Eric’s appearance, get this Ball State hoodie from Amazon!


Max Bonilla – Ep130

Max Bonilla is a 17-year-old activist from Sacramento. Max talks about how the pandemic made him more aware of California state laws and the legislature in general. Although not old enough to vote or run for office, Max shares his insight on questionable laws the state has passed or is planning to pass. Then he and Evan run through state lawmakers and Max decides whom he would like to clone and whom he would like to get rid of. And does he want to run for office someday? All that and so much more from Evan’s newest Facebook friend!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Follow Max on Instagram at @opentheschoolsnow!

And in honor of Max’s appearance, get this Sacramento Kings Warm-up t-shirt from Amazon.


Judea Johnson – Ep129

Judea Johnson is a renaissance woman that advocates for medical freedom and loves to travel! Recently relocated from California to Florida, Judea explains her move, how natural childbirth led her to the world of v—ines, and is she an anti-vaxxer? Judea answers and weighs in on lockdowns, mandates and whether other members of the black community view these measures as segregation. It’s also Evan and Judea’s first ever conversation so awkward is guaranteed.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

VIDEO: Watch Judea’s interview on Rumble!

And in honor of Judea’s appearance, get this “Unvaccinated and Ready to Talk Politics At Christmas” t-shirt from Amazon.


Brandon Hurley aka Phuc Map – Ep128

Brandon Hurley is an American Youtuber who to his Vietnamese audience is known as Phuc Map. Hear how Brandon went from America to Vietnam and grew to be a well-known TV personality. Also, hear all the things Brandon can teach, plus Vietnam’s dealings with the pandemic. Brandon is also a fellow Theta Chi brother who initially met Evan in 2006 when Evan crashed on his couch during a southeast tour. It’s bilingual awkward!

Check out Brandon Hurley’s vlog at:

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Brandon Hurley’s appearance, get this book about the history of Vietnam on Amazon.


Iowa Representative Jeff Shipley – Ep127

Jeff Shipley is a state representative from Iowa, and somehow he’s Evan’s Facebook friend. Jeff discusses his nihilistic political origins, his experience as a stand-up comedian, selling solar panels and sauerkraut before holding office, and an update on Iowa in the era of Covid. Jeff then goes into how he beat out Phil Miller for office by a mere handful of votes, his learning curve as an elected official and what his rapport is with Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. Plus, how he was introduced to the medical freedom movement, dealing with internet trolls, and selling Americans on why Iowa is the place to be.

NOTE: Due to some “vaseline” content that might be censored, a complete video of this interview  is available on Socially Awkward’s new Rumble channel!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Jeff Shipley’s appearance, get this wood carving of the state of Iowa on Amazon.


Kerri-Ann Wallace & Kerri-Ann Wallace – Ep126

The title is not a typo: 

In a Socially Awkward first (and probably last), Evan interviews two Facebook friends with the same name!! Welcome Kerri-Ann Wallace & Kerri-Ann Wallace!

What are each of their connections to Beverly Hills 90210? Which Kerri-Ann Wallace is from Riverdale? (And does she watch Riverdale?) Which Kerri-Ann is on sabbatical? Which Kerri-Ann works in ion implantation? Which Kerri-Ann has never been to a concert? Which Kerri-Ann named her cat after a Yankees pitcher? All these answers come to the surface, plus the Kerri-Anns share how people get their names wrong and how one Kerri-Ann struggled to get her name spelled right on her ID while at the DMV. It’s peak awkward and perhaps two people with the same name just became friends.

And to learn more about one of the Kerri-Ann Wallace’s embedding cremation, go to

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Kerri-Ann Wallace and Kerri-Ann Wallace’s appearances, get The Hollies’ Greatest Hits (featuring “Carrie-Anne”)  on Amazon.


Jessica Amal – Ep125

Jessica Amal is an actress, writer and producer who actually cast Evan in his first student film when he moved to LA! After reminiscing about the film, they then get into Jessica’s public battle with lung cancer and how she’s been able to stay strong. She also talks about how she met her husband and then she and Evan watch back the film during the interview (but this was cut because of an overwhelming amount of toilet FX.

To watch their film “Nincompoopy,” check it out on Youtube at:

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Jessica’s appearance, get this Filmmaking Crash Course book on Amazon.


Kristi Slager Salerno – Ep124

Kristi Slager initially met Evan at Beverly Hills Playhouse and over a decade later she’s on Socially Awkward! Did you know at Notre Dame that Joe Montana was the backup to her dad!? Kristi takes us from driving cross-country to Los Angeles to navigating teaching during the pandemic. Plus, she and Evan discuss TV shows young and old. How would they each do on The Bachelor / The Bachelorette? Plus thoughts on The OA, Golden Girls and Cobra Kai. And how many other Kristi Slagers are out there? Plenty random and plenty awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Kristi’s appearance, get this Notre Dame sweatshirt in honor of her dad on Amazon.


Owen Alabado + Beckett Sage’s Wrestlemania 37 Predictions – Ep123

Owen Alabado is an actor, comedian, singer, dancer, martial artist – in other words, a Renaissance man. Hear how this Wisconsin native was drawn to theater, moved to Los Angeles and is currently kicking butt back in Wisconsin. He also talks about his comedy and he and Evan retrace their steps on how they met. (2:40) Then, returning to the podcast for the first time since Episode 1, Beckett Sage stops in to give his Wrestlemania 37 predictions, even though he does not regularly watch wrestling. Beckett also ponders at what age he will be able to beat up his dad and what his finishing move would be to take him down. (35:11) A double dose of awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Owen’s appearance, check out his film Brash Boys Club on Amazon.


Orrin Heatlie of RecallGavin2020 – Ep122

Orrin Heatlie is the lead proponent of RecallGavin2020 and, thanks to over 2,000,000 Californians, he is about to be part of only the second recall initiative to qualify in the history of California. How did this get done? Who is the primary driving force behind the recall? As Gavin Newsom claims, is this a “republican recall” (of ‘anti-vaxxers,’ ‘anti-maskers,’ and ‘Trump supporters’)? All those questions are answered plus the role of Covid-19, Randy Economy and thousands of volunteers. And what’s next for the coalition and do they have a replacement in mind? Also, count the number of media requests Orrin gets during the video when his bee wallpaper pops up.

**Audio Note: While Orrin had no audio issues, Evan’s mic was blown out so he brought down his levels to spare your ears.

For more info on the recall, visit

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Orrin’s appearance, get Beekeeping for Beginners on Amazon.


Taryn Kristal – Ep121

Taryn Kristal is the founder of The Resolvancy – a divorce strategy and coaching firm, but to Evan she is the girl into whose locker he slipped a Peanuts card in the sixth grade. Now 3o years later, Evan gets her and her boyfriend at the time’s reaction. Taryn also discusses the power of music, her favorite musical acts and vocalists, her Rie & Ryn clothing line, the other Taryn Kristal in her life, what she thought of Evan’s theatrical wife during high school and other Great Neck nostalgia and name-dropping. Then, Kelly Meyersfield makes an appearance to table read a classic Mike Francesa radio call with Taryn as included in Evan’s dumb book “Mike Francesa’s Greatest Hits.” With a dynamic similar to Screech interviewing Kelly Kapowski, this discussion is chock full of awkward. #GoRebels

For more info on Taryn’s firm, visit

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Taryn Kristal’s appearance, get Taryn Rose Women’s Nadine Pump on Amazon


Cooper Shaw – Ep120

Cooper Shaw is an actress in SAG/AFTRA and Actors Equity who first met Evan when he edited her first demo reel in Brooklyn. Now about a decade later they have their first conversation as Cooper has too migrated to Los Angeles. How has she dealt with life in LA during Covid? She talks all about teaching people accents and impressions online, solo dance parties, her favorite musicals, Transfers on Netflix and her catchy name. 

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Cooper Shaw’s appearance, stream her movie Expect Delays on Amazon and buy a copper shawl pin


Ruvane – Ep119

Ruvane aka Ruvane Kurland is a full-time musician who has traveled the majority of the country until Covid. In their first conversation, Ruvane and Evan discuss how they became Facebook friends, performing pre and post-Covid and the wonderful world of acoustic rock and audio looping. Ruvane also talks life in Ohio, favorite musicians and all the instruments he plays. Check out his backdrop in the video! And for more info on Ruvane, go to

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Ruvane’s appearance, get his album 19 on Amazon


Andrew Mikkelson – Ep118

Andrew Mikkelson plans to leave Facebook at the end of the month so Evan interviews his fellow Theta Chi Fraternity brother before his departure. Andrew talks about life in college at NJIT, how he found his way to the Navy and then to being a field service electrician who one night was needed to turn on all of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He’s making Russelectric proud.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Andrew’s appearance, get a Siemens circuit breaker on Amazon


Assemblyman Kevin Kiley – Ep117

Kevin Kiley was reelected to the State Assembly with the highest vote total for a Republican in California history. He is also the only 100 percent citizen-backed California Legislator, refusing all funding from the Special Interests that spent millions electing Gavin Newsom. After defeating the CA governor in court in October to stymie his one-man rule, Kiley is now releasing a book called “Recall Newsom” to rally support for the current recall attempt of the governor.

Evan and Kevin also cover the job-killing law AB 5, the successful Prop 22 that kept Uber & Lyft in California, how local communities are fighting back against strict lockdowns and how he perseveres in difficult legislative conditions.

Kiley also weighs in on the Federal Stimulus Bill, why he decided to run for office in the first place, and whether he would consider running for governor if the recall qualified. And finally, his favorite lawyer in a movie, what music he plays for guests, his interactions with Gavin Newsom and if he knows of other Kevin Kileys out there. It’s mostly political with a side of awkward.

For more info on Kevin Kiley and to pre-order Recall Newsom (out Jan 2021) visit

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Kevin’s appearance, buy the book Uniforms of the American War of Independence 1775-1783 (by a different Kevin Kiley) on Amazon


Erica Sandberg – Ep116

Erica Sandberg is a standout freelance writer in San Francisco who contributes to 12-15 publications at a time! Having met Evan when she interviewed him during his political run, Erica reconnects to discuss the state of California, the job-killing law AB 5 and an open letter she wrote to San Francisco restaurants to whom Mayor London Breed has turned a blind eye. Plus, the time Erica went undercover to see how many syringes she could score in San Francisco in one day. And towards the end, the question she asked Evan that set him into a rant. 

For more info on Erica visit

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Erica’s appearance, buy the book Expecting Money: The Essential Financial Plan for New and Growing Families (by a different Erica Sandberg) on Amazon


Anthony Zenkus – Ep115

Anthony Zenkus is a tireless advocate for the welfare of children, families and communities. Working in the field of family violence, relationship violence, sexual assault and child poverty, he has trained thousands of professionals and community members across the country on how to better recognize, prevent and respond to abuse and neglect. Some of that expertise helped Anthony go viral last winter when the Trump campaign sent out a video of him speaking on Joe Biden. The ironic part? Professor Zenkus is not even a fan of Trump’s. Hear how that all played out as well as how he and Evan met due to Anthony’s other life as lead singer of the band Joe Lies. They reminisce on Munchaba Lounge, the Long Island music scene, WLIR and so much more!

For more info on Anthony visit

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Anthony’s appearance, check out Joe Lies on Amazon


Michaele Walker – Ep114

Michaele Walker is the President of Lawful America, a group educates and empowers the Tribes and people via the Constitution and various human rights statutes. Her group advocates against child trafficking and other injustices! Her efforts have caused such a stir that she lives most of her life off the grid, has not seen her family in over a year and has had multiple attempts on her life. This definitely goes beyond awkward. Listen now!

For more info on Lawful America visit or email

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Michaele’s appearance, get a US Constitution on Amazon.


Mike Netter of – Ep113

Evan talks with Mike Netter, one of the lead organizers of and one of his newest Facebook friends. Who is the primary driving force behind this recall? What does Gavin Newsom have in common with Gray Davis, who was recalled in 2003 (and led to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger)? How does a recall work? Is the governor also socially awkward? Mike breaks it down and explains how easy it is for you to help!

Recall Gavin Newsom information:
Website –
Petition link –

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Mike’s appearance, get a Recall Gavin Newsom shirt on Amazon.


Angie Brice – Ep112

Angie Brice and Evan overlapped at Tufts University for two years, never met, yet somehow they’re Facebook friends. In their first conversation ever, hear them try to solve that mystery and then discuss her post-Tufts travels, her Hairoine product line and how she ended up working at the United Nations in Switzerland! Also, Angie goes in-depth about her current battle with lung cancer and how she approaches life as she serves as an inspiration to her family and friends. Nothing awkward this time.

Help Angie reach her fundraising goal at:

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Angie’s appearance, support her podcast “Mommy Has a Little Cancer” at and watch her document her story at Plus, get a Tufts garden flag on Amazon.


Joey Longo – Ep111

Following Evan’s last episode, which created over 360 comments on a Theta Chi Facebook group thread, another Theta Chi and Evan’s newest Facebook friend, Joey Longo, wanted to come on to react to that thread and so much more. Joey and Evan cover how they may or may not have met, current events, Covid, the election, Theta Chi and his chapter at Radford, the environment and Joey’s experience watching his Nationals win the World Series. 

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

And in honor of Joey’s appearance, get a Theta Chi flag on Amazon.


Alex Jimenez – Ep110

Alex Jimenez is the Director of Design at Prager University, but he and Evan first met at UCLA when Alex hired Evan to perform at a Theta Chi philanthropy event. Now newly married and fully adulting, Alex breaks down the rise in censorship of conservative viewpoints on social media and his pursuit of evolving ‘conservation design.’ Also, what email lists does Alex subscribe to? You’ll be shocked! Plus some Theta Chi reminiscing and critiquing public health graphic design. 

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

To find out more about Prager University, go to

And in honor of Alex’s appearance, get a Theta Chi flag on Amazon.


Radio J – Ep109

Radio J met Evan back on Long Island when they were both doing the local open mics. With a background in radio, Radio J is now in Florida networking with local acts and putting out his own podcast: Going Boom. Radio J and Evan talk about their Long Island days and throw in some wrestling talk and whether they would see live music in the era of Covid.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

To find out more about Radio J’s Coming Boom podcast, go to

And in honor of Radio J’s appearance, get an AEW t-shirt on Amazon. 


Ethan Ullman – Ep108

Ethan Ullman is a comedian and comedy show producer. Speaking for the first time since they joined forces at a comedy show at RPI (Troy, NY), Ethan tells Evan about his new Weird Al Yankovic podcast, aptly titled Dave & Ethan’s 2000″ Weird Al Podcast. Evan also reveals playing a fundraiser to raise money for Weird Al’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and how Ethan attended the eventual ceremony! Then they discuss the viability of virtual comedy, outdoor comedy and comedy in general in a ‘woke era.’ Plus, how people butcher Ethan’s name so much and why he loves Eastern Washington University. Super awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

To find out more about Dave & Ethan’s 2000″ Weird Al Podcast, go to

And in honor of Ethan Ullman’s appearance, get a UHF-inspired “Spatula City” t-shirt on Amazon. 


Jill Noelle – Ep106

Jill Noelle and Evan have their first extended conversion as they try to pinpoint how they became Facebook friends. Once they do, they dig into life in California, working during the Coronavirus, best SNL skits, and Evan’s new ‘clothing line’ The Covid Collection, of which Jill is a frequent customer. Then Jill offers an adept assessment of the current scene. Regardless, there will be enough awkward in this one to hold you over.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Jill Noelle’s appearance, check out her favorite shirts from The Covid Collection on Teespring


Mark Pedro – Ep105

Vote for (Mark) Pedro! He’s not running for office, but he has seen Napoleon Dynamite several times. Evan interviews one of his former interns who happens to be in Canada. How has Canada been during Covid-19? Mark fills you in, plus some other chit-chat.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Mark Pedro’s appearance, get a Vote for Pedro shirt on Amazon


Princess Serrano – Ep104

Princess Serrano met Evan one time back in 2012 and that was good enough to be Facebook friends. In their first conversation ever, Princess and Evan break down her experiences at a predominantly white college in West Virginia, George Floyd, the protests, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19 and being black in America. A rare, in-depth discussion on race makes this episode a little less awkward than usual.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Princess’s appearance, get the complete series of The Boondocks on Amazon


Alan Zeitlin – Ep103

Alan Zeitlin is a journalist and former school teacher based in New York City. He gives Evan an inside look at how NYC has been coping with Covid-19 and the road back for sports to resume. Alan also shares his battle with Complex Compartment Pain Syndrome and Cellulitis.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Alan’s appearance, get an NFL Neck Gaiter on Amazon for your favorite team. 

A recent article from Alan about Covid comedy:
Too Soon: Comics Are Testing Public’s Taste for Covid Jokes


Karen Lavender – Ep102

In their first ever conversation, Evan checks in with Karen Lavender. Karen (pronounced ‘Kaar-in’) talks about growing up in South Africa, moving to Los Angeles and discovering her love of documentaries  and producing commercials. She also breaks down one of her favorite movies, District 9. Evan and Karen then delve into the current “Karen” phenomenon and play Evan’s new personalized game, “Is Karen a Karen?” You’ll want to tell the manager to listen to this episode!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Karen Lavender’s appearance, get some Karen Neuberger pajamas on Amazon

More about Karen:


Nickolas Goad – Ep101

In their first ever conversation, despite being Facebook friends for the past 13 years, Evan welcomes fellow Theta Chi Fraternity brother and solar installation specialist Nick Goad. As both are in California, Evan and Nick break down California’s ‘response’ to Covid-19. Nick also recalls being a founding member of his chapter at Northern Arizona University and how he ended up in the solar installation field. Listen to long-lost brothers reunite for the first time.  

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Nick Goad’s appearance, get this NAU Throw Blanket on Amazon

Nick’s Contact Info for Solar:
Gold Coast Solar


Kerri Kasem – Ep100

In this milestone episode 100, Evan welcomes tv/radio host and activist Kerri Kasem. Kerri shares her battles advocating for the elderly. She also recounts not seeing her father, radio legend Casey Kasem, towards the end of his life, due to archaic family visitation laws. Hear how her Kasem Cares Foundation righted the wrong and how she persisted. And would she run for office? Kerri also previews how she is changing lives with her Breakthrough Naturally wellness company.  All that and what it was like going to Hebrew school even though she wasn’t Jewish. A little bit of awkward mixed in with a whole lot of awesome!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Kerri Kasem’s appearance, get Casey Kasem’s “The Long Distance Dedications” CD on Amazon

Kerri Kasem Booking Inquiries: The Weiss Agency 310.230.1518


Neil Kelly – Ep099

Neil Kelly was a student Mount Saint Joseph’s in Cincinnati when he hired Evan to play at the school’s spring concert. After 10 years they have reunited (while Neil is caught in a windy Covid-19 storm).

Evan gets Neil’s thoughts on the Democrat field, who was pushing for and how this will all play out as we live with the hysteria of Coronavirus. Then Evan recruits Neil to break down all the matches of Wrestlemania 36… without any knowledge of the current WWE product. Guaranteed awkwardness!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Neil Kelly’s appearance and his support of Mayor Pete Buttigieg, get The Pete Buttigieg Coloring Book on Amazon



Troy Slaten for Judge (+ Bailee Wenckus) – Ep098

As Super Tuesday nears, Evan brings on Troy Slaten, an attorney (and alum of Fox’s “Parker Lewis Can’t Lose”) who is running for Judge in Los Angeles County, Seat #145. Hear why he is willing to take a pay cut to better serve his community, why he is the superior choice and what qualities he values the most. And of course, Evan doesn’t let him off the hook until he gets Troy’s takes on his favorite TV judges, what he thought of Lance Ito’s job during the OJ trial and has he seen the movie “Troy?”

Then in order to ensure the episode has a Facebook friend, Evan enlists Bailee Wenckus of Susquehanna University along with her friend Anna for five good minutes. How do they know each other? How is Evan connected to her kidneys? The suspense is palpable!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Troy Slaten’s appearance, get Season 1 of Parker Lewis Can’t Lose on Amazon! And for Bailee, here’s a WWE Bayley action figure!

For more on Evan’s campaign, go to his campaign website and follow the accompanying @evan4senate social media.



Advocate & Activist Lynette Marie Barron – Ep097

Lynette Marie Barron is an Advocate & Activist for Medical Health Freedom. Find out what that is and how it affected two of her children who have autism. Will she be saying the v-word? Hear how she has earned the title of Freedom Fighter and rallies many people to the ACIP meetings at the CDC. She also conquers with kindness and has some surprisingly nice things to say about some of the most notoriously hated people on the pro-side. Phew, made it through without even saying va((ine. Dammit!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Lynette’s appearance, go to her Etsy store and Facebook page!

For more on Evan’s campaign, go to his campaign website and follow the accompanying @evan4senate social media.



Tim Chizmar – Ep096

Tim Chizmar is an author, screenwriter, producer, promoter and so much more. However, life was not always been rosy for him. Hear Tim’s honest account of how show business in Los Angeles drove him out of the state and led him to turn his life around in Idaho! Now Tim is in Las Vegas, but has he sought vengeance on Los Angeles? Find out all that and plus a little wrestling talk.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘ for the holidays? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Tim’s appearance, get his book “Soul Traitor” on Amazon!


The Libertarian Stylings of Angela McArdle – Ep095

We hear a lot about Democrats and Republicans, but what about those smaller parties? Angela McArdle is a Libertarian Organizer, Activist and Chair of the LA County Libertarians. How did she find the Libertarian Party? What drew her to it? Angela breaks down some of its tenets as well as her experiences running for office. Also, who could be the 2020 Libertarian nominee for President and how is their convention different? All this plus Angela gives her reasons California Governor Gavin Newsom should be recalled and the stupidity behind #AB5, a law that will essentially kill California’s gig economy and freelance work. Liberty beats awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘ for the holidays? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Angela’s appearance and Libertarian affiliation, get a political mug on Amazon.


Amin Jai – Ep094

Amin Jai was hired by Evan back in New York about 15 years ago and now in their longest conversation ever Amin came to Evan’s house late one night to sit in his kitchen to catch up! Hear why Amin left New York for Los Angeles, what it was like being interviewed for a job by Evan and plus a whole lot of politics. Did we mention Amin is a proud black, pro-Trump Republican? Of course that means Amin has been shadow-banned on social media. Amin also gets into being judged as a black man. Pulling no punches on this one! (Sorry, Biden wrote that last line. Awkward.)

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Need some ‘Awkward Wear‘ for the holidays? Get some ‘Socially Awkward clothing on Teespring. Free Shipping with the promo code: AWKWARD.

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Amin’s appearance and his beloved Seattle Seahawks, get a Seahawks fleece blanket on Amazon.


Renae ‘Go Cougs’ Dahlquist – Ep093

Renae Dahlquist joins Evan to discuss how they met, life at Washington State, the real estate scene in the Pacific Northwest, Seahawks games and if Evan will ever be able to move due to his HOA. Awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Renae’s appearance, get a Washington State University Garden Gnome on Amazon.


Actress / Model / Influencer Tamela D’Amico – Ep092

Tamela D’Amico is an actress, model, singer, social media influencer and brand ambassador and for some reason she let Evan interview her in person! In their first ever conversation, Tamela gives Evan a full spiel about her life and the magic that is ‘Lois and Debra.’ Then Evan guesses random things about her and they discuss their Long Island roots. It will be fabulous (and awkward).

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Tamela’s appearance, get her album “Got a Little Story” on Amazon.


Photographer Tim Sabatino – Ep091

Tim Sabatino has been a photographer, videographer and producer for 25 years. Hear about all his creative exploits and how he went to photograph the Dalai Lama! He also has a photo exhibit coming up this weekend:

The Way to Happiness Foundation Int’l
201 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91204
5-8 PM

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Tim’s appearance, get “The Book of Joy” on Amazon, written by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu!


Michele Bloom & The Jon Bon Jovi Cruise Recap – Ep090

Michele Bloom is the hardest of hardcore Bon Jovi fans. She has met Jon Bon Jovi several times and has been to countless shows. She just got back from the Runaway to Paradise with Jon Bon Jovi cruise in the Bahamas and we’re breaking it ALL down. How was the experience? Was Jon on the ship for the whole cruise? Who else did she run into? Plus, some vintage band stories, a Richie Sambora story from Obie O’Brien and the time Michele danced on stage with JBJ during ‘Bed of Roses.’ Oh, and there was the time Jon held her “Lost Highway” son. Michele also gives back to the Bon Jovi fan community with her Face Value Facebook group. So much Jovi! 

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Want the chance at last minute face value or free Bon Jovi tickets – join the Face Value group on Facebook of which Michele is an admin.

And might as well go on Amazon and get the classic Bon Jovi album SLIPPERY WHEN WET“on vinyl!!


Sean Snead – Ep089

Evan wraps up his I Love the 80s series with 1989’s Sean Snead. And all this time Evan thought his name was Sean Austin. Why is that? Plus, Evan and Sean talk video games, wrestling and give a rapid-fire preview of Wrestlemania 35!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Wrestlemania 35, get Wrestlemania 34 on Amazon! Or get Evan’s new paperback!


Maxwell Chalkin – Ep088

Evan speaks to fellow Tufts Jumbo and Theta Chi alum Max Chalkin. Hear what life has been like since Max graduated and into which country he was denied re-entry. Also, will we be voting for him one day? All that and more with a dash of awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Maxwell Chalkin’s Tufts University roots, get a Tufts University NCAA pennant on Amazon! Or Max Headroom: The Complete Series. #ILovethe80s


Brittany Collins-Finch – Ep087

Evan met Brittany Collins-Finch at the moment she was proposed to by her husband. Get the full story about how it went down, plus her love of Dashboard Confessional, the time she met “Weird Al” Yankovic, and what’s it like to have rhinoplasty? It’s the perfect blend of awkward!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Brittany Collin-Finch’s love of “Weird Al,” get The Essential “Weird Al” Yankovic album on Amazon


Marissa Figueroa of Highland Kites – Ep086

The “I Love the 80s” series has returned with 1986’s Marissa Figueroa of the band Highland Kites! Hear how she went from no experience to singing, playing keyboards, guitar and how she now has 4 albums and 5 singles with her band plus six national tours and a distribution deal! What are her musical influences? She takes us from Tracy Chapman to present day, then she and Evan reveal the titles of their respective new songs in the works.

Also, after the interview, listen to Evan’s touching tribute to Comedian Brody Stevens (31:00). The comedy world is mourning his passing and Evan shares his interactions with Brody. 

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $200) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Marissa Figueroa’s appearance, order the Highland Kites album “I’m Not Weak” on Amazon

Plus, check out Brody Steven’s appearances in the “Hangover” movies by ordering The Hangover Trilogy! #RIPBrodyStevens


Fashion Stylist Franzy Staedter – Ep085

The “I Love the 80s” series continues with 1985’s Franzy Staedter! She is a standout fashion stylist who grew up in Germany. Franzy explains how she never goes to grocery stores, ordering “McDonald’s Style” from In N Out and what makes up the world of costume designing. Plus, how she catches up to American culture via Google and how she dreads the day that Friends leaves Netflix.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $250) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Franzy Staedter discussing Bob Hope, head over to Amazon for this Bob Hope DVD Collection


Actor Tommy Savas – Ep084

For the second time, it’s Tommy Savas‘ first appearance on SOCIALLY AWKWARD. After accidentally not saving their first interview, Evan corners Tommy at his house to talk acting, video games and how they shared the same stage. Hear how Tommy booked a recurring part on The Sopranos, how he and his friends got their film Bad Roomies onto Netflix! Plus, to pique Evan’s Bon Jovi fan curiosity, did Tommy ever have a girlfriend named Gina? All that and how Reckless Tortuga dominated a 24-hour film festival. It won’t be Worse Than Vietnam.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $250) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Tommy Savas’ starring role on Katherine Heigl’s show State of Affairs, head over to Amazon to own the first season! 


Anjuli Richeson – Ep083

Voice actor and supermom Anjuli Richeson stops by SOCIALLY AWKWARD in her first ever conversation with Evan. Hear how she transitioned from on-camera actor to voice actor and how she built her own home voice studio! Plus, a cameo from Kelly Meyersfield. Check her out at!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $250) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Anjuli’s appearance on The Nanny, go on Amazon and get The Nanny: The Complete Series!


Elias Fanous – Ep082

Evan continues his “I Love the 80s” series with 1982’s Elias Fanous! Elias talks Theta Chi Fraternity, lawyer life, vacation spots, the Flint water supply and if he is aware of WWE’s Elias. It’s a quick discussion with one of Michigan’s finest. Time to WALK WITH ELIAS!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $250) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Elias, go on Amazon and get a WWE ‘Walk With Elias‘ t-shirt!


Pamela Anderson – Ep081

Evan is kicking off his “I Love the 80s” series (interviews featuring Facebook friends born in each year of the 1980s) with Pamela Anderson. No, not that Pamela Anderson, but Evan asks Pamela if having the same name as that Pamela Anderson has been a blessing or a curse. Plus, how she almost met Pamela Anderson on a TV show. And besides her name, Pamela and Evan discuss how they could have become Facebook friends, because they have no idea. And then Evan picks Pamela’s brain about selling on Amazon since Evan has been following the Amazing Selling Machine and Pamela used to work on Amazon before taking a $9 million/ year online toy business and growing it to $34 million/ year!! Cash in on this Pamela Anderson on SOCIALLY AWKWARD!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $250) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Pamela Anderson, go on Amazon and get a life-size cutout of Pamela Anderson.

For free training on how to sell on Amazon, visit


Heidi Popp – Ep080

Heidi Popp is a self-proclaimed truthseeker so don’t call her a conspiracy theorist. Heidi takes Evan behind the scenes of every famous controversy we’ve ever dealt with: Operation Mockingbird, the CIA, 9/11, the JFK assassination, cancer, vaccines, the food supply and so much more. Plus, her life in craft services and whether she considers Evan a good witch or a bad witch.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $250) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Heidi Popp, go on Amazon and get the album “Beyond Life” by German singer Heidi Popp. 


Evan Botkin – Ep079

It’s Evan vs Evan on SOCIALLY AWKWARD as Evan interviews Evan Botkin. They have been Facebook friends since 2005 but never spoke until now. What is their origin story? Plus, Evan is bringing his band Firesauce back together for a reunion tour this month (which is really just one show in Columbus). All this and Evan’s home-based coaster business as well as rating bands that are currently touring.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $100) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Evan Botkin, go on Amazon and get a book of Ohio State trivia


Kate Dudley – Ep078

Evan interviews Facebook friend KATE DUDLEY who initially met Evan at one of his shows in 2007 in Indianapolis, Indiana! She is now engaged in the Greater Buffalo area as they talk how she met her fiancee, and Evan offers how not to plan anniversaries. Plus, they cover music, cats, Harry Potter and nerd culture. Welcome to Dudleyville!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $100) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Kate Dudley, go on Amazon and get some Dudley’s Scalp & Skin Antiseptic Pre-Shampoo


Erica Howard – Ep077

Evan interviews Actress/Costume Designer/Cool Chick Erica Howard. While they are actual friends as well as Facebook friends, they have never spoken for more than a minute. So listen as they peel back the layers. Erica talks about growing up in the Seattle area at the height of grunge, the role music has played in her life, plus speeding on Los Angeles freeways and working on sets as a stylist & costumer designer. Then, Erica tries to uncover why Evan is so mysterious. Or did she mean to say awkward?

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $500) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Did you know Erica Howard was in the Keanu Reeves movie “A Walk in the Clouds?”  Get it on Amazon


Ari Glasgow – Ep076

Ari Glasgow messaged Evan on LinkedIn with questions about how to get into comedy. Evan replied by saying ‘Be my Facebook friend, come on my podcast, and I’ll answer your questions.’ So here we are: a fellow Tufts Jumbo like Evan, Ari is going into his senior year and starting to look at life after college and life in comedy. How does one get into comedy? How to promote yourself? Do you need a day job? Should you try to join SAG-AFTRA? All those questions and more will be answered, plus some Tufts University banter.

NOTE: Audio on Ari’s end is a little echoey, because Evan’s an idiot, but at least he does a majority of the talking on this one.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $1,000) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Ari Glasgow, get the book Comedy FAQs and Answers on Amazon to answer all your comedy questions! 


Actress Dana Berger – Ep075

For his platinum episode Evan interviews his wife’s best friend Actress Dana Berger who happens to be recurring as Crystal Tawney on Season 6 of Orange Is The New Black!! Hear the story of how she got the part, plus the time she played Meryl Streep and the many times she has out-bowled Evan. And did we mention she helped her 89-year-old grandma go viral. Thanks President Trump! Would you expect anything less awkward?

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month (or as much as $1,000,000) by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Dana Berger, get Season 5 of Orange Is The New Black on Amazon!


Slader Jordan – Ep074

Slader Jordan is from Alabama, attended University of Alabama-Birmingham and is now enrolled at Tufts Dental School! But there is so much more to this man who is a self-proclaimed polymath and phenomenal musician. Also, his name isn’t even Slader Jordan! Evan gets to the bottom of it with his guest who was also in Theta Chi.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

In honor of Slader Jordan, pick up a pair of these retro Air Jordan sneakers on Amazon!


Jeff Miller is Running for Congress – Ep073

In a Socially Awkward first, Evan interviews his first Facebook friend who is actively running for Congress. Jeff Miller is running in District 4 of Las Vegas. Now in his second run for office, hear what he’s learned about the game of politics, the steps one takes to run for office and what makes for a successful campaign. Evan also offers Jeff some campaign advice, none of which he should take seriously. Head to polls in Nevada on June 12 to vote Miller 2018! Area 51 will thank you!

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Jeff Miller doesn’t have anything on Amazon, but here’s a book on chairmaking written by a different Jeff Miller! Let’s get building!


Joe Rittenhouse + Mike Francesa Pandemonium w/ Mike Colon – Ep072

It’s a #SociallyAwkward Doubleheader!! First, off the breaking news that Mike Francesa, only 4 months after ‘retiring’ from WFAN, is returning to the station, Evan brings on non-Facebook friend, but Francesa expert Mike Colon of Mic’d in New Haven (4:00). He breaks down how this all went down and then Mike speaks about the time he was on the air in-studio with the king of NY sports talk.

Second, in their first conversation ever, Evan interviews Actor Joe Rittenhouse (25:30). They initially met when they both performed at Washington College. Hear about Joe’s acting career, how he’s travelled to 31 countries and why his path changed from politics to the arts. Plus, they have a candid discussion about comedy and how to be successful in this current overly-sensitive society. And did you know Evan plans to run for office?

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Facebook: @awkwardwithevan
Twitter: @awkwardwithevan
Instagram: @awkwardwithevan

Check out Joe Rittenhouse on The Last Witch Hunter w/ Vin Diesel. Available on Amazon!


BON JOVI Hall of Fame Recap w/ Barb Mierzejewski – Ep071

Barb Mierzejewski is a life-long Bon Jovi fan from Chicago who flew to windy Cleveland on Saturday to watch Bon Jovi get inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. How was Howard Stern’s induction speech? How was it seeing Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora (and Alec John Such) on the same stage again? Barb was there and she breaks it down. And opening for their Bon Jovi talk: Daughtry talk. (Barb was first row the night before.)

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Check out all the Bon Jovi stuff on Amazon, including their album “This House Is Not For Sale” in vinyl!


Darren Andersen – Ep070

It’s Theta Chi Fraternity’s Founders Day so Evan brings on Facebook friend and fellow Theta Chi brother Darren Andersen, alumnus of The University of Tampa! Hear what his college experiences were like and how he uses current Theta Chi undergrads to help with his StratCore consulting business. Plus, Evan and Darren offer some career motivation as well as Long Island, sports and Mike Francesa banter. Extend the helping hand by downloading!

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Did you see the Theta Chi swag available on Amazon? Get a Theta Chi FLAG or HOODIE!


Wrestlemania 34 Preview w/ Ian Andrew Jones – Ep069

It’s Wrestlemania week so Evan welcomes Facebook friend and fellow wrestling fan Ian Andrew Jones. First, Ian discusses PWG [Pro Wrestling Guerrilla] finding a new venue in LA and his early memories of the venue. Then it’s a trip down WWF memory lane before landing on this year’s Wrestlemania. It’s Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon. And will John Cena fight The Undertaker? And don’t forget the return of Daniel Bryan! Why listen to two-hour preview podcasts when Ian & Evan get it done in under 40 minutes?! YES! YES! YES!

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Like WWE & playing UNO? Here are some WWE UNO Cards on Amazon! Or just get a Wrestlemania 34 shirt.


Daniel Barbarisi – Ep068

Evan welcomes fellow Tufts Jumbo Daniel Barbarisi to SOCIALLY AWKWARD. Now a full-time author, Dan has a new book out about fantasy sports called Dueling with Kings. Hear how he saw the fantasy sports explosion before it happens. Plus, hear how he ended up as the beat reporter for the New York Yankees at the Wall Street Journal for five seasons. How did he get there? Did his role at The Tufts Daily play a part? And did Evan and Dan ever meet in college? All those questions will be answered and then Dan will ask one question of Evan. Awkward guaranteed!

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Get Dan’s book Dueling with Kings: High Stakes, Killer Sharks, and the Get-Rich Promise of Daily Fantasy Sports on Amazon! Now available in paperback.


Vin A – Ep067

Evan interviews Vin A from the Vegas show The Bronx Wanderers. Vin is also in his own solo band and thanks to a lot of determination and a little help from his friends, he won a local radio contest and is now opening for BON JOVI on Saturday, March 17 at The T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. How did he finish at the top? What is he planning for Saturday? And what can we expect from Vin A after the Bon Jovi show? All those questions will be answered plus hear Evan’s wife Kelly Meyersfield make a cameo appearance so she can go into full Bronx Wanderers fangirl mode. May have been awkward.

SUBSCRIBE to SOCIALLY AWKWARD, and support the podcast for as little as $1/month by going to

Catch The Bronx Wanderers live nightly in Las Vegas at Bally’s and get their albums “Echoes of the Past” and “Not Afraid to Dream” on Amazon. 


Acting Up Invasion w/ Skyler Caleb & Steve Moulton – Ep066

Evan welcomes actor, host and app developer Skyler Caleb to the podcast and he brings along Socially Awkward alum Steve Moulton! Hear how Evan met on Skyler and Steve’s Acting Up radio show (on which another SA alum Amy Vorpahl contributed). Skyler is from a series Impress Me that just landed on Amazon Prime video and Steve just wrapped Ice: The Movie. The rest of the interview covers every topic know to man: The Oscars, Murphy Brown, Get Out, The CW, social media and do they think Trump will be re-elected? It’s awkward time! 

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Also help the podcast by getting the Amazon Fire 8 HD Tablet.

And see Skyler Caleb on Impress Me and Steve Moulton on Sharknado.


Christine Robert (& EG Smith) – Ep065

Evan spontaneously interviews one of his Facebook friends named EG Smith, however, who is on the other end of the line? Actress Christine Robert! How did this happen? Was Evan catfished? And who is EG Smith? And did we mention this interview took place while Christine was at a Starbucks? Let’s get to the bottom of all this awkward!!

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Also help the podcast by getting the Amazon Fire 8 HD Tablet.


Exenia Rocco – Ep064

Say her name, say her name! Evan invites on fabulous singer and competitive swing dancer Exenia Rocco and she has solved the internet! Hear how she’s hacked the internet to network in her career plus she breaks out some “Honey” by Kehlani. Awkward just got melodic! And see Exenia live in NYC on February 11 at the Luna Coffeeshop at 2pm! 

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Also help the podcast by getting the Amazon Fire 8 HD Tablet.


Christopher Owens – Ep063

Evan interviews his newest Facebook friend Christopher Owens who has multiple tech start-ups. They became friends due to a common interest in Bitcoin. What does Christopher know about it? What is “mining?” What new coins are on the horizon? While not an expert, Christopher gives you the answers. Plus, we talk the Philadelphia Eagles, how TV shows use each other’s ideas and response to The Last Jedi.

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Get some of Christopher’s wife’s [easyazon_link identifier=”B01EKTPWEU” locale=”US” tag=”funn0aca-20″]Eucalyptus Jack All Natural Pain Relief Spray[/easyazon_link] on Amazon.


Mark Baldwin / Mike Francesa Tribute – Ep062

In honor of Mike Francesa’s 30 year run at WFAN coming to a close, Evan interviews Facebook friend Mark Baldwin aka @markmongo aka ‘Mark from Jersey’ aka a ‘yooge’ Mike Francesa fan. How is Mark doing since Mike’s final show? Where does he see Mike ending up? How did he discover Mike & The Mad Dog? All that plus hear the time he was interviewed by Mike in studio on Fox Sports! Then, in a surprise swerve, Evan and Mark talk politics. Why did they both vote Libertarian in the last election? (It was for the same reason.) And does he think Trump will be re-elected? Also, before Mark came on, Evan welcomed back a returning wife Kelly Meyersfield to share her Mike Francesa thoughts (and impression).

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Might as well get Evan’s “Mike Francesa” song on Amazon!


Shayna Amster – Ep061

It’s a podcast debut for Shayna Amster! She’s an aspiring comedienne and she just wrapped working at THIRTEEN different Starbucks. Hear her favorite Starbucks stories, how she found comedy, how she went to seven different high schools, how she is a good (or bad) friend and what it’s like going to Arizona State… online.

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In honor of Shayna, get a Starbucks Gift Card on Amazon!



Jennifer Berookhim / High School Reunion Recap – Ep060

Evan’s high school reunion came and went, and to break it all down he is joined by fellow attendee and Great Neck South Rebel Jenny Berookhim aka Jenny B aka Jennifer Soumekh. How did the 20-year compare to the 10-year? Who did they enjoy seeing? Who did they wish were there? What were the most popular questions of the night? Evan and Jenny are dropping names, giving shoutouts and plugging some of their class’ businesses. And to Evan’s delight, Jenny reveals that she is a big WWE fan! Also, what’s next for Jenny, the time they ran into each other on 9/11 and special bonus stories about tormenting their 8th grade English teacher as well as the day their 9th grade Biology teacher flipped off the entire class.

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The holiday season is now! Did you know Jenny’s favorite wrestler is Dean Ambrose? Get the t-shirt and action figure on AMAZON!


Beth Confino / High School Reunion Preview – Ep059

Evan brings in Beth Confino to preview their high school reunion while also looking back at being in the same kindergarten class. Beth is now an English teacher on Long Island as well as a stand-up comedian. How did she get into comedy? Who was her favorite teacher at Great Neck South? All that and classmate name-dropping!

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The Holiday Season is now! Thinking of recording? Get what Evan uses: the Blue Yeti Microphone on AMAZON!


Navpreet Singh aka Nav The Poet – Ep058

Poetry and wrestling take centerstage for the first time since Lanny Poffo played “The Genius.” Evan chats with Navpreet Singh aka Nav The Poet aka The Third Singh Brother. Nav talks about how he got started in poetry, where his inspiration comes from and what’s next for him. He also discusses Jinder Mahal’s recent WWE Championship run and what it meant to India.

Evan and Nav then transition to preview WWE Survivor Series, a Thanksgiving tradition that this year is featuring two 5-on-5 elimination matches and such bouts as AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar and The Shield vs The New Day. 

We’re strapping the rocket to Nav and pushing him to the moon. Have a listen so he can get over. (This is all wrestling jargon.)

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Get the new 30 Years of Survivor Series DVD on AMAZON!


Comedian/Songwriter Rhune Kincaid – Ep057

Comedy music takes centerstage as Evan interviews comedic songwriter Rhune Kincaid. He has a new album out everywhere called Squirrelmaggedon and we are running down the hilarious tracks including “Two Cats,” “The Special Chord” and@rhunekincaid.” Plus, Evan explores Rhune’s Colorado roots, where the name Rhune comes from and how best to outsource freelancers when you need to get stuff done. All that and a song about the BP oil spill.

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Luis Aguilera, Cassidy Turner & Morgan Evans – Ep056

In a stroke of all-time randomness, Evan interviews Luis Aguilera, Cassidy Turner and Morgan Evans, students from Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) whom he met them at a NACA (college programming) conference in Hartford. Now his Facebook friends, Evan sits down to chat with them about such topics at Luis’ college radio show, his septum piercing, tattoos, Cassidy’s time abroad, and Morgan’s love of Jon Bon Jovi (who performed at FDU’s graduation last year). We are Jersey Strong this week and we’re down with FPC (yeah, you know me)!

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Palmer Davis – Ep055

Evan reunites with his former acting classmate Palmer Davis. She is a standout actress, dancer and choreographer who is touring with her one-woman show “Suburban Showgirl.” They delve into Palmer’s dance background as well as her favorite songs with “dance” in the title. Palmer and Evan then pivot to how parenting changes as your kids get older. Plus, Palmer has a message to the Facebook universe: #solutionsonly. 

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Get the new Amazon Fire HD Tablet on Amazon!


Jake Ramirez + WWE No Mercy Preview – Ep053

Actor Jake Ramirez joins Socially Awkward this week as he speaks to Evan for the first time since Evan performed at his college, Otterbein University, in 2011. Now in Los Angeles, Jake has appeared on such shows as New Girl2 Broke Girls and Superstore. Jake shares how he got into acting, why he moved to LA and also delves into his ability to find extremely cheap flights all over the world. $50 from Cincinnati to Las Vegas?! Less than $10 to jump countries in Europe?! Jake shares all his travel hacks.

Plus, Evan and Jake preview/predict WWE’s No Mercy PPV that features John Cena vs Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar vs Braun Strowman. This episode is one giant white-meat babyface. #kayfabe

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Get the new Amazon Fire HD Tablet on Amazon!


Cameron Hickey – Ep052

Fresh off his show at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Evan interviews his newest Facebook friend, Cameron Hickey, a student at SD Mines who also opened for Evan at the show! Live from the common area of Cameron’s dorm, hear how an ex-girlfriend drove Cameron to comedy, how far he has traveled to perform and how he balances comedy and being an engineering major. Plus, a ton of comedy talk.  #FunnyBone

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Get Evan’s new single “Mike Francesa” on Amazon!


Actor Kevin O’Grady – Ep051

Evan sits down with Actor Kevin O’Grady in a random sweltering bunker to talk all things acting. Hear how Kevin found acting, how he booked 50 commercials coming up the ranks, and what some of his acting highlights are. He can currently be seen in Hallmark Channel’s Garage Sale Mystery with Lori Loughlin (aka Aunt Becky from Full House). He also has some CW cred, but nothing compares to when Evan wrote for Kevin when he played The Grinch is a Christmas skit. We’re all over the place in this episode, which is what happens when you interview a Canadian.

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Get the full series of Supernatural on Blu-Ray on Amazon


Actress Robin Riker – Ep050

To celebrate 50 SOCIALLY AWKWARD interviews, Evan ventures to the celebrity wing of his Facebook friends to interview Actress Robin Riker! A third-generation actor and veteran of TV, film and theater, Robin has seen it all and done it all, which is why she has a book out called A Survivor’s Guide To Hollywood – How To Play The Game Without Losing Your Soul. Robin also recounts getting started in acting, auditioning for her parents, arriving in Hollywood and how auditions have changed for her over the years. She was also “Sharon Potter” on one of Evan’s favorite shows, Get A Life, and they discuss the show, Chris Elliot and how one episode made TV Guide’s top funny tv moments of all-time! 

Robin and Evan then shift gears to talk about the direction of SAG-AFTRA and Robin offers her dismayed reaction to the recently passed TV/Theatrical contracts. Why does she think it’s the worst contract ever? And why was she against the merger? Robin lays out the facts and offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the actors’ union operates. And did I mention she is the same Riker that New York City’s Riker’s Island is named after? All this and even some Inside The Actor’s Studio questions. It’s more awesome than awkward for Episode 50!

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For more info on Robin and to get an autographed copy of her book, visit
Also available on Amazon:


Adah Gorton – Ep049

Evan’s latest Facebook friend, and one of his former interns, Adah Gorton, wasn’t on Facebook at the time of their interview, but she’s back… for now. Hear how they met on Craigslist and why Evan was her favorite boss and what made her other bosses so terrible. Evan and Adah then trade dog stories, dig into Netflix, bed bugs, The Gong Show, podcast recommendations and how we can keep Adah on Facebook for good. It’s the Adah Bucket Challenge this week on SOCIALLY AWKWARD!  

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Evan’s Amazon link:
Evan’s new song “Mike Francesa”:


Sean von Buseck – Ep048

For the first time since 2007 when they filmed a Zappos commercial together, Evan talks with Actor Sean von Buseck. Hear how Sean made the move to South Carolina after successfully beating the LA housing market! Sean then goes into how acting and auditions work in the Southeast and how he got to work with Marlon Wayans. He also goes into auditioning as a leprechaun and being up against a little person for the part. Did he get it? And does Sean miss Los Angeles? This is what happens at 3 AM!  

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Evan’s Amazon link:
Evan’s new song “Mike Francesa”:

Evan and Sean’s Zappos Commercial


Comedienne & Ventriloquist April Brucker – Ep047

For the first time in almost 15 years Evan talks to comedienne/ventriloquist/media personality April Brucker. Hear how they awkwardly met at an open mic in New York City’s West Village and what her connection is to Evan’s sister. Then April weighs in on other famous ventriloquists and shares some comedy stories including the time she signed up as comic #100 at an open mic. Also, April talks about her new book April Unwrapped: My Naked Dreams Revealed, which is pretty much self-explanatory. And before leaving, April goes full astrology on Evan, his family and herself. It’s that kind of episode and it’s that kind of awkward!

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Evan’s Amazon link:
Order April Brucker’s Book:


Matteo Lentini – Ep046

Evan wraps up graduation season with Matteo Lentini. Evan performed at Matteo’s Kennett High School (Conway, NH) graduation party. After the party, Matteo added Evan on Facebook, and here he is on SOCIALLY AWKWARD! Hear Matteo rave about his high school principal, sports, Seinfeld, Shark Tank and how he ran cross-country as a shotputter, which led to some last place finishes. Matteo then shares that he is attending Husson University (Bangor, ME) in the fall to which Evan recalls his lackluster show at the campus. And finally, Matteo and Evan compare ‘touching the Stanley Cup’ stories. It’s high school awkward all over again!

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Vicky Roseman – Ep045

Evan invites on one of his former tutoring students, Vicky Roseman, who just graduated from Agoura High School and will be heading off to UC Santa Barbara in the fall. Hear how she found senior year at Agoura, how she came across UCSB and how she plans to spend some of her summer in South Africa! Vicky also chronicles her love of camp, volunteering at hospitals as well as her favorite things to watch on Netflix. And Evan tries to offer her some of his suggestions. Throw up your cap & gown because Vicky is on the podcast!

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Evan’s Amazon link:
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Kevin Callahan – Ep044

Evan hits the mutual interests jackpot this episode as he interviews fellow Long Islander Kevin Callahan, aka fellow Theta Chi Fraternity brother Kevin Callahan, aka fellow wrestling fan Kevin Callahan! Hear how their paths crossed during one of Evan’s show at Wagner College. Plus, Kevin discusses his time at the Alabama Shakespeare Company, random acts of brotherhood on the LIRR and what he thinks of the renovated Nassau Coliseum. And of course, wrasslin’ chatter.

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Evan’s Amazon link:
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Michelle La Sala – Ep043

For the first time in over a decade, Evan speaks with avid runner and experienced race producer Michelle La Sala, fresh off running 72 miles in one week. Hear how Evan met Michelle by interviewing her for job at New York Road Runners when he no longer worked there. Michelle then shares how she started running, what her training entailed and how she met her husband… who also produces running events.  We’re coming to you from Napa and there’s so much running talk that by the end of this you’ll be on a treadmill!

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Evan’s Amazon link:
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Greg Raposo (of Dream Street) – Ep042

In another first-ever conversation, Evan welcomes singer/songwriter and former member of the boy band Dream Street GREG RAPOSO to Socially Awkward. Hear about his singing origins, winning Star Search, how Dream Street came to be, and the juxtaposition of being in a boy band while being bullied in high school. Greg then talks going solo and his love of the old Long Island venue The Downtown, in addition to the time he was catfished into writing a song for someone. “It Happens Every Time!”

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Evan’s Amazon link:
Order the Amazon Echo Show:


Andrea Legg – Ep041

In their first ever conversation, Evan interviews Certified Public Librarian Andrea Legg this week on SOCIALLY AWKWARD. Hear how Bon Jovi and AOL Instant Messenger brought Evan and Andrea together and why he refers to her as his “guardian angel.” Also, Andrea flexes her librarian muscles, especially in the art of genealogy. And Andrea has a message to parents everywhere! Take heed of her advice and keep it down – you might be in a library!

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Evan’s Amazon link:
Order the Amazon Echo Show:


Joy Villa – Ep040

At the 2017 Grammys, Singer/Songwriter Joy Villa grabbed headlines when she debuted her Trump-inspired “Make America Great Again” dress. The intense publicity immediately shot her “I Make The Static” album to the top of the iTunes & Amazon charts. It even debuted in the top 15 of the Billboard 200! Now Joy, also a Facebook friend of Evan, joins him on SOCIALLY AWKWARD!

Hear how her life is different since the Grammys (5:19), where is the dress now and whether Joy thinks 2015’s “The Dress” is black & blue or gold & white (8:30). Plus, Joy’s musical influences behind her albums (18:39) and what it was like walking in NYC for 10 hours wearing pro-Trump clothing in a social experiment that debuted on Fox News. (12:42) And in a Socially Awkward first, Joy and Evan discuss Scientology and how she knew it worked for her while keeping with her Christian beliefs. (22:00)

We’re changing narratives and shattering stereotypes on SOCIALLY AWKWARD!

#JoyTribe #JoyToTheWorld

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Evan’s Amazon link:


JJ Barrows – Ep039

You ever get a random Facebook request from someone you don’t know? Evan did and he accepted it… and then contacted the person to be interviewed. So get ready for a first ever conversation between Evan and stranger turned Facebook friend JJ Barrows. She’s a talented artist from South Carolina who now lives in San Diego and is getting into standup comedy. Hear why she added Evan, what questions she has about comedy and how Flo Rida led to her having an awkward date moment!

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Evan’s Amazon link:


Tim Breckon – Ep038

Awkward touches down in Colorado as Evan speaks with fellow Theta Chi brother Tim Breckon. Now a professional trombonist with a master’s degree, Tim shares obscure song ideas, even more obscure band names and his favorite memes. The episode also gives Evan the opportunity to share his own ‘tromboner’ experience. It’s better than band camp!

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Evan’s Amazon link:


Molly Hott – Ep037

This week Evan welcomes Molly Hott, the first Facebook friend being interviewed from his graduating class at Great Neck South. 

Hear Evan and Molly reminisce about all things Great Neck, including the best hangouts in town and teachers at South. In addition, Molly is on the high school reunion committee and Evan is fishing for details on the upcoming 20 year reunion!

Molly has also worked in the summer camp industry by making summer camp available to underserved populations. Plus, with a name like hers, Evan breaks down the Molly Hott brand. It’s getting Hott in Herre! #nelly #rebels

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Wrestlemania 33 Preview w/ Chris Russo – Ep036

This week SOCIALLY AWKWARD is the ultimate thrill ride as Evan welcomes fellow Theta Chi Fraternity brother and former WWE NXT (and current Reality of Wrestling) Announcer Chris Russo. (3:54) Hear how Chris got his start working (and bumping) for WXW, a promotion operated by The Wild Samaon Afa, and how it led to his announcing for WWE’s developmental entity FCW/NXT. There he got to work alongside Dusty Rhodes, William Regal and Jim Ross and call the early matches of current WWE superstars Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas. 

Chris and Evan then go full Mega Powers as they break down the Wrestlemania 33 card (23:31), which features Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker and Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton. 

Finally, after playing in the background the entire episode, four-year-old WWE theme expert Beckett Sage returns to SOCIALLY AWKWARD with his own Wrestlemania predictions and analysis. (49:30) That’s why!

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Songwriter/Comedian Phoebe Carter – Ep035

Evan welcomes fellow funny (and serious) songwriter Phoebe Carter to SOCIALLY AWKWARD. Hear how Evan and Phoebe initially met and how Evan was in one of Phoebe’s music videos. Phoebe also lets you in to the world of songwriting and the business side. Plus, find out her biggest influences, both comedic and musical! 

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Evan’s Amazon link:


Seth Crevison – Ep034

After seeing Paul Smith’s College at a programming conference, fate brings Evan a Facebook friend and Paul Smith’s College alum Seth Crevison. Chatting all the way from Florida at 2 am, Seth catches Evan up with what he’s been doing since Evan’s 2010 show at the college, how he stuns fish and what goes in to the sport/game of discolf. (Don’t say frisbee golf.) You want awkward? You got awkward!

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Evan’s Amazon link:


Jayme Lake – Ep033

Fresh off their Francesacon performance, Jayme Lake comes on SOCIALLY AWKWARD to explain what Francesacon is (4:30), how Jayme met her husband and Evan’s wife during the same show (10:07), and what made her get into theater. Jayme also talks touring nationally, Schoolhouse Rock Live 2 (20:30), and her disdain for math. Plus, her love of the Food Network, Schitt’s Creek and Harley Jay’s bowling prowess (34:50). And we close out with Evan’s blossoming rant against golf (37:14).

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Evan’s Amazon link:


An Unrelated Jimmy Wecksell – Ep032

Evan ventures all the way to Sweden to interview Jimmy Wecksell, a Wecksell to whom Evan is NOT related. Hear why Jimmy is the real Wecksell and Evan is the imposter. Evan and Jimmy also rundown all the Swedish Wecksells on Facebook and Jimmy then tells Evan how he learned English from American TV and video games. And Jimmy’s brother is actually a famous video game champion. And did we mention that Jimmy likes to go to sleep listening to murders? We’ll explain. Does it get more awkward than this?  

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Evan’s Amazon link:


A Bill Word (& Evan) Birthday – Ep031

It’s February 19, aka Evan’s birthday, so he brings on a Facebook friend who is another 2/19 birthday boy: Comedian BILL WORD! Bill and Evan recall the comedy contests Bill used to produce and Bill reminisces about the time he was introduced onstage… while still in the bathroom. They then talk other people with their birthday as well as what businesses offer you the best birthday giveaways. Plus, hear about Bill’s health scare and his amazing recovery that was assisted by all his comedian friends. Light the birthday candles and celebrate with this hilarious and honest episode!

Check out more about Bill Word at

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Carolyn Lederach – Ep030

Carolyn Lederach and Evan never met, but they’re talking Penn State, US and UK music, and the fact that Carolyn Lederach is from Lederach, Pennsylvania. Coincidence? Find out!

(Apologies for the audio issues.)

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Who The Hell Is Jake Johnson – Ep029

Jake Johnson, one of Evan’s newest Facebook friends, just won a contest to open for Bon Jovi on February 18 in Nashville, Tennessee!!

Hear how he found out, when he started playing guitar, who his musical influences are and, most importantly, what are his Bon Jovi songs. Jake also addresses doubters who think he got the gig because of his connection to the band.

Jake proves he is a hard worker who approaches his career with the right attitude… and he would like someone to buy his mom and stepdad’s house in Utah.


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Announcer Chuck Lott & Royal Rumble Preview – Ep028

Chuck Lott is an announcer for Madison Square Garden, St. John’s Basketball, The New York Mets, and, thankfully, is a huge WWE fan.

Evan and Chuck (aka “LaVoz”), figure out how they became Facebook friends and then Chuck talks about announcing at live events, doing improv with WWE’s Dolph Ziggler and how he can usually swing a seat in business class, even when he doesn’t have a ticket!

‘E & C’ then break down this Sunday’s Royal Rumble, offering their match picks and who they want to win the Rumble and who they think will win. Wrestling nerds, unite! With #LaVoz, wrestling talk has never sounded smoother.

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Raffi Berberian – Ep027

Evan sets a podcast geography record by interviewing Facebook friend Raffi Berberian all the way from Armenia!! With a 12-hour time difference between them, hear how Evan and Raffi met at Bucknell University and then how Raffi moved to Armenia to do photography. He’ll also tell you where Armenia is on the map. It’s a fun conversation in any time zone!

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Chasing Amy Walker – Ep026

Evan’s “Chasing Amy” series concludes with actress and slogan wizard Amy Walker. They never spoke and never met (or so Evan thought) until now. Hear about her origins, her first (false) impression of Evan, her obsession with Alexander Skarsgard, her endless nicknames, her daughters’ social media shenanigans and her Netflix list. Her voice is like butter and she’s your headlining Amy! Plus, hear how Evan was in Facebook jail for 6 days! #firstworldproblems

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Chasing Amy Gillette – Ep025

Evan welcomes the theatrical Amy Gillette to Socially Awkward. A standout actress and singer, Amy has a knack for playing parts that were originally played by Julie Andrews. Also hear about the time Amy joined Evan on stage in acting class, but before that there was the time Evan’s wife and Amy were in the same show; Evan’s wife played a dog while Amy was the owner. #doggonemusical

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Chasing Amy Amerson – Ep024

Evan continues his “Chasing Amy” series with another Facebook friend named Amy. This time it is Amy Amerson, someone Evan had never spoken to… until now!

Hear how they came Facebook friends, the advantages of having the initials AA, and why Amy moved from LA to North Carolina.

Amy also wants to know more about Evan and how this podcast came to be, but the episode then builds to the climax of how best to unfriend someone on Facebook.

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Chasing Amy Vorpahl – Ep023

SOCIALLY AWKWARD is kicking off 2017 with the “Chasing Amy Series,” interviews with four of Evan’s Facebook friends that are named Amy.

We start with comedian/actress/singer Amy Vorpahl who actually hasn’t been on Facebook since 2015! Hear why she left and why she hasn’t looked back.

Evan also gets into Amy’s acting career including her time at Buzzfeed, working with Aaron Sorkin on Newsroom and what her first acting gig in Los Angeles was (that included Evan). She also has an upcoming album about Dungeons & Dragons! 

2017 is the Year of the Amy! And the Year of the Awkward!

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A Sean Aronson Christmas – Ep022

Sean Aronson ran with Evan on the Tufts University cross-country and track teams, but for the past eight years he has been living in Hawaii. He talks about life in Hawaii, walking on volcanoes and what Hawaiians think of the Disney movie Moana.

Sean also mentions whom he stays in touch with from Tufts, recalls some funny stories (from the mainland) and gives some of his current documentary picks on Netflix. Evan also finds out more about the documentary Sean made: White Shark Cafe. 

Come for the reminiscing, stay for the trademark Aronson laugh.

Check out White Shark Cafe at

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Film Director Joe Castro – Ep021

Joe Castro is an acclaimed Film Director and SPFX Artist most known for his adult swim-esque horror/gore features.

Hear about his horror film binge when he was younger, how a pen pal convinced him to move to LA, and what his first job was at Universal Studios. Joe and Evan then talk about Joe’s Terror Toons film franchise and how Evan’s wife, Kelly Meyersfield, was involved. 

Plus, how does Joe’s filmmaking hold a Guinness World Record? And how is he tied to film director Robert Rodriguez? It’s one big story after another!

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Nicholas Lepham – Ep020

Nicholas Lepham grew up in Houston, went to high school in Saudi Arabia and attended Tufts University (just like Evan) where he joined Theta Chi Fraternity (just like Evan).

Evan and Nick each share their positive experiences being in a fraternity and then weigh in on the current turmoil surrounding Tufts University Greek Life.

Since graduating, Nick has been in Washington DC. Find out what it was like for him working for Hillary Clinton and then being part of a progressive think tank. Nick also uses his political perspective to discuss President-Elect Trump.

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A-List Celebrity Interviews via Jim Meskimen – Ep019

While at a swanky Hollywood party, Evan was able to interview some of Hollywood’s ‘A-est’ of A-List Celebrities. It’s Robert Downey Jr, Arnold Schwarzenegger, President George W Bush and Morgan Freeman all on an impromptu Socially Awkward!!

Thank you Jim Meskimen for playing interview matchmaker!

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Cherish Bliss – Ep018

Evan chats with Los Angeles burlesque dancer Cherish Bliss (aka Bliss Meadows). Hear how Erica and Evan met, her feminist role models and how she is coping with the results of the election. Socially Awkward turns socially conscious. 

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A Jason Burke Thanksgiving – Ep 017

Jason Burke has run 56 marathons in 21 cities across 4 continents. He was also Evan’s college teammate on Tufts University’s cross-country and track teams. After surveying Jason’s opinions of other people with the last name Burke (3:40), Evan and Jason talk running marathons and the viral story about a college runner who got hit by a deer during a race, which leads Burke to recount his first-hand hit-by-a-deer-while-running experience in 1997. (11:50) They then reminisce about the legend of 351 Boston Avenue, the off-campus house where Burke lived with four other teammates. This causes Evan to haphazardly cast the ‘351’ movie.

The conversation then turns miscellaneous as Burke weighs in on music, explains what he does for a living and updates us on little brother Tim.

It’s Thanksgiving so be thankful for this interview with Jason Burke! And get on a damn treadmill!

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Check out photos from Burke’s 56 marathons at

And might as well also check out his brother’s standout photos at


Valentina Gomez – Ep016

For the first time in 12 years, Evan talks to Valentina Gomez, a Facebook friend from college whom he didn’t meet until after college. Hear them reminisce about their separate experiences at Tufts University and how their Tufts reunions compare to her husband’s more spirited Princeton reunions. Evan then counters by comparing with his high school reunion to his wife’s (fyi – it’s the same high school). Valentina also describes life in Charlotte, North Carolina as a Jets fan among Panthers fans. Valentina then leaves us with her Netflix picks, which may just be Gilmore Girls, Gilmore Girls and Gilmore Girls.

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Bon Jovi Superfan LUCA – Ep015

Luca, aka Luca Jovi, is a Bon Jovi superfan from Turin, Italy who has seen the band play live over 180 times in roughly 30 countries!

Hear Luca discuss with Evan how he found Bon Jovi, what is his favorite song & album, how he has met the band on multiple tours and what is it like being the rarer male Bon Jovi fan. Also, discover how Bon Jovi helped Luca through some tough times and what hidden jewels Luca recommends from the Bon Jovi catalogue.

One thing is for certain: Italy is here!

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Chicago Cubs & Bon Jovi Fan Darcy Rojas – Ep014

The Cubs just won the World Series so Evan interviews his Facebook friend from Chicago, Darcy Rojas, to recap the magical night! Where was she? What were her emotions during Game 7? Where is Steve Bartman?

Darcy is also a huge Bon Jovi fan so she talks about her favorite Bon Jovi albums, songs and the time Jon Bon Jovi let her and her friends into their intimate radio concert. Evan then counters with the time he followed Jon into a hotel bathroom. 

The Cubs win & Bon Jovi rules this week on Socially Awkward!

#THINFS (This House Is Not For Sale)

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Bon Jovi Fans – Ep013

Evan gets in the Bon Jovi time machine with two of his favorite Bon Jovi fan friends! First Kelley Moyer-Schwille talks about the first time she saw the band in a bar in Harrisburg before they were famous! (5:01) Later, Evan and Kelley compare how long they have waited on line for tickets. (8:18) Sadly, they do touch on the Richie Sambora departure (14:45) and finally, Kelley reveals what a big fan she is of Evan’s ‘daughter,’ causing Beckett Sage to set the record straight about his gender. (19:40) 

Evan then brings on Stephanie Sabatelli who discusses what it was like seeing Bon Jovi at their apex at Madison Square Garden in 1987! (28:48) Evan and Kelley then comb through their favorite songs/albums in the Bon Jovi catalog (shoutout to These Days) and compare their hauntingly similar encounters with Jon Bon Jovi. 

Welcome to Jonny’s Church of Rock & Roll! Raise your hands!

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Josh Lopez of Wrestlezone – Ep012

In a bonus episode, Evan spontaneously reunites with professional broadcaster and stenographer Josh Lopez. Evan talks with the native Chicagoan first about the World Series and the state of Chicago sports (6:05) before transitioning to WWE. They share their love of CM Punk (7:40), the time Evan performed with Colt Cabana (10:40) and the James Ellsworth phenomenon (12:00). They then preview the upcoming pay-per-view Hell In A Cell before comparing wrestling crowds around the world and marveling at the engagement of Paige and Alberto Del Rio. Drink it in, mmaaaannnn!


Evan’s Dad – Ep011

With the help of Facebook friend/sister Wendy Wecksell, Evan interviews his dad. What does Donald Trump have to do to win his Republican dad’s vote? (4:30) Who’s on his Mount Rushmore of Republicans? (7:29) We also get his take of world affairs, Brexit, his disdain for GPSes and meeting Mike & The Mad Dog. (10:14)

Evan also asks Dad for his opinions on texting, Lady Gaga and Charlie Rose while uncovering his surprising gambling history! Evan also coaxes his dad to rank his kids in order, or at least as drivers. (23:03) And what is his dad’s concept of Uber? We then wrap up with why he is so fascinated with World War II, and what is his advice to millenials?

The awkward was definitely at a modest boil throughout. Enjoy!

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Chrissy Sampson – Ep010

Awkwardness reaches new heights when Evan invites his ex-girlfriend Chrissy Sampson onto the podcast, as they speak for the first time since she dumped him in 2003. Evan and Chrissy reminisce about Long Island nightlife, especially Levittown’s Munchaba Lounge (3:32). Chrissy then chronicles what it’s like to live year-round in the Hamptons (in her 30s) and unveils some details about a book she is looking to publish (15:00), which means she needs to have a snobby author bio (17:25). And before talking about her career as journalist (21:23), Evan asks Chrissy about how she has unintentionally had a knack for dating Jewish guys (18:36). Grab some popcorn, because things definitely get awkward.

Get Evan’s new political single “The Final Two” on Amazon (

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Author Garrett Robinson – Ep009

Garrett Robinson was a freelance director in Los Angeles until two years ago when he started writing his own fantasy series. Now based in Oregon, Garrett sits down with Evan to talk about his prolific “Underrealm” fantasy series (2:57), his love of “Lord of the Rings” (7:35) and his writing process (10:10). Garrett then reveals the advantages of living in Oregon over Los Angeles (12:55) and describes the artisan-friendly town McMinnville, Oregon (15:40). And what is in Garrett’s pretentious author bio? (23:05) Fantasy is king this week on Socially Awkward!

Get Garrett’s first book for FREE at

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Comedian Ryan Niemiller – Ep008

After kicking off the episode with a political rant (2:13), this week Evan gets lost in conversation with “The Cripple Threat of Comedy” Ryan Niemiller. Despite missing bones and fingers in both hands, Ryan has turned this supposed liability into an asset in his life and career (17:20), i.e. he can type really fast and play video games on 20 different consoles (11:20)!

Hear how Ryan got started in comedy (24:14), how he has incorporated his disability into his act (25:55) and even how one of his sets went viral! He also opens up about how it has affected his dating life (29:15).

Besides video games, Ryan is a HUGE wrestling fan (thanks to Doink) (35:55). He and Evan also get into the current state of WWE, Roman Reigns (48:33), PWG, Lucha Underground and NXT. Finally, Ryan and Evan each fantasy book themselves into wrestling programming.

Even if you’re not a video game or wrestling fan, this conversation will leave you hooked. (Pun intended.)

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Actor Steve Moulton – Ep007

Actor STEVE MOULTON (Sharknado, Waking, Impress Me) joins Evan for a massive nerd-out session. First, they discuss Steve’s movie credits and then Steve tells Evan how Kevin Smith played a role in his playing a clerk in Sharknado (12:25). They later talk Marvel superheroes and compare their meeting John Cena stories (18:54). Steve is also an avid fan of Disneyland so he offers some insider tips if you are thinking of going (27:39) and you bet he has an opinion on the Disney/Star Wars partnership as well as the new Star Wars movies (36:21). Evan then finds out more about Steve’s movie-centric podcast “View the Right Thing” (42:42) and finally, they lament on how difficult it is to keep up with all their favorite TV shows. #nerdlife 

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Actor Henrik Rutgersson – Ep006

Henrik Rutgersson is a tall, dark, handsome and Swedish actor. Hear how John Hughes motivated him to move to America (7:11), his love of acting and how you may soon see Henrik’s new show “Swedish Dicks,” featuring Keanu Reeves, in the states (13:05). We also recap Henrik’s experiences on “American Horror Story” opposite Lady Gaga (17:45)! Henrik and Evan then talk hockey (23:24) and later Evan tries to convince Henrik to watch wrestling again (28:30). And what’s a podcast without Henrik’s take on the 2016 election and good ole political corruption (32:06). You’ll want to cast a write-in vote for Henrik after this one!

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Poker Professional Shannon Burwell – Ep005

Decade-long Facebook friend/Actress/Poker Phenom SHANNON BURWELL comes to SOCIALLY AWKWARD this week. First we reveal Shannon’s connection to OJ Simpson Prosecutor Marcia Clark (6:44), her web series that was made using only a Flip camera (17:00) and her appearance on 7th Heaven (18:40). She also gets into her poker background (9:00) and gives insider tips on how to be a better poker player. Evan and Shannon also discuss California’s mandatory vaccine controversy right before she turns the tables on Evan and asks him her longstanding questions about him, which turns into a WWE primer (33:05) as well as an inside look into performing at colleges (while traveling with mom). So hunt down OJ, Jessica Biel and your poker buddies because Shannon Burwell is where it’s at!

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Maya Weinreb – Ep004

One of Evan’s newest Facebook friends, Maya Weinreb is one of the most well-traveled people you will ever meet. She was born in Israel, moved to Florida, moved to the UK, moved to LA, moved to Washington State and then moved back to LA! Hear about how gas masks were part of her childhood, which city has the better beaches (Clearwater or Los Angeles) and how to find the best food in LA. Maya has also mastered life in LA without needing a car, or really ever leaving the comfort of her home!! The word of the day is convenience (or Uber… or Yelp).

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The Evan Club – Ep003

It’s a sea of Evans on this week’s Socially Awkward as Evan brings on two random Evans whom he had never spoken to… until now! First Evan welcomes Evan Tyerman (4:35), a student from NJIT who is also in the same fraternity (Theta Chi) as Evan (the host). They then figure out how they became Facebook friends and swap Evan stories. Second, Evan welcomes Long Island comedian Evan Weiss (21:09). Both Evans talk about Facebook’s “Evan Club” and then Evan (the guest) shares some comedy stories including the time his NYC show audience went mobile with him. Finally, Evan (the host) reminisces about the extinct Long Island venues that helped shape his career (41:13). There are so many Evans this week you may want to draw a diagram!

For information on Evan Weiss’ comedy shows, visit

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The A-Train Cometh! (Adrian Wilairat) – Ep002

Evan brings on his good friend and fellow Tufts Jumbo Adrian Wilairat aka The A-Train. They discuss Adrian going to high school with Chelsea Clinton (6:07), not having a Facebook profile pic (9:30) as well as describing Francesacon (12:30), WFAN’s strong radio signal (17:40) and a complete state of the union for the New York baseball teams (19:00). They then reminisce about Tufts University (28:10), Bon Jovi (33:10) and, with Adrian being from Washington DC, of course, the upcoming election (38:32). Get an express ticket because you’re about to hop on the A-Train!

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Kelly Meyersfield & Beckett Sage – Ep001

Comedian Evan Wecksell ( kicks off his “Socially Awkward” podcast by interviewing family. First Evan welcomes in singer/actress/writer (and wife) Kelly Meyersfield (8:00). First playing coy as to how they know each other, Evan and Kelly then discuss how they met, where they would like to move, Bachelor vs WWE and their son’s poop. Evan then brings in his four-year-old son Beckett Sage (38:30) who has over 3 million Youtube views thanks to his knowledge of WWE entrance music. Hear Beckett figure out what his real last name is and then cover rock band Thousand Foot Krutch’s song “War of Change.” It won’t get more awkward (or cute) than this.

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